o 2002年度o

  1. Hiroshi G. Okuno, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Tino Lourens, and Hiroaki Kitano: Sound and Visual Tracking for Humanoid Robot. Applied Intelligence, accepted, ISAI, Kluwer Publishers.

  2. Hiroshi G. Okuno, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Ken'ichi Hidai, Hiroshi Mizoguchi, Hiroaki Kitano: Human-Robot Non-Verbal Interaction Empowered by Real-Time Auditory and Visual Multiple-Talker Tracking, Advanced Robotics, in print, Robotics Society of Japan, 2002.

  3. Kazuhiro Nakadai, Ken-ichi Hidai, Hiroshi Mizoguchi, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Hiroaki Kitano: Real-Time Auditory and Visual Multiple-Speaker Tracking for Human-Robot Interaction, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, pp. 479-489, JSME, Oct, 2002.

  4. Kazuhiro Nakadai, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Hiroaki Kitano: Auditory Fovea Based Speech Separation and Its Application to Dialog System Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2002), pp.1314-1319, IEEE, Lausanne, Swiss, Oct. 2002.

  5. Kazuhiro Nakadai, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Hiroaki Kitano: Auditory Fovea Based Speech Enhancement and Its Application to Human-Robot Dialog System Proc. of 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP-2002), pp.1817-1820, Denver, USA, Sep. 2002.

  6. Hiroshi G. Okuno, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Hiroaki Kitano: Real-time Sound Source Localization and Separation for Robot Audition Proc. of 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP-2002), pp.193-196, Denver, USA, Sep. 2002.

  7. Hiroshi G. Okuno, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Hiroaki Kitano: Realizing Audio-Visually triggered ELIZA-like non-verbal Behaviors. Seventh Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI-2002), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2471, pp.552-562, Tokyo (NII), Japan, Aug. 2002.

  8. Kazuhiro Nakadai, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Hiroaki Kitano: Exploiting Auditory Fovea in Humanoid-Human Interaction Proc. of the Eighteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2002), pp.431-438, Edmonton, Canada, Aug. 2002.

  9. Hiroshi G. Okuno, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Hiroaki Kitano: Non-verbal ELIZA-like Human Behaviors in Human-Robot interaction through Real-Time AUditory and Visual Multiple-Talker Tracking The Third International Cognitive Robotics Workshop (CogRob2002), pp.59-65, Edmonton, Canada, Jul. 2002.

  10. Hiroshi G. Okuno, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Hiroaki Kitano: Social Interaction of Humanoid Robot Based on Audio-Visual Tracking Proc. of 18th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA/AIE-2002), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2358, pp.725-734, Springer-Verlag. Cairns, Australia, June 2002.

  11. 中臺 一博, 日台 健一, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: Real-Time Active Human Tracking by Hierarchical Integration of Audition and Vision. Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Automation (ICRA-2002), pp.1043-1049, Washington D.C., May 2002.

o 2001年度o

  1. 奥乃 博, 中臺 一博, Lourens, T., 北野 宏明: Sound and Visual Tracking by Active Audition. Jin, Q., Li, J., Zhang, N., Cheng, J., Yu, C., and Noguchi, N (eds) Enabling Society with Information Technology pp.174--185, Springer-Verlag, 2002.

  2. 中臺 一博, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: Real-Time Active Human Tracking by Hierarchical Integration of Audition and Vision. Proceedings of the Second IEEE-RAS Internationa l Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2001), pp.91--98, Nov. 2001.

  3. 中臺 一博, 松井 龍哉, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: Epipolar Geometry Based Sound Localization and Extraction for Humanoid Audition. Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2001), IEEE, pp.1395-1401, Oct. 2001.

  4. 奥乃 博, 中臺 一博, T. Lourens, 北野 宏明: Human-Robot Interaction Through Real-Time Auditory and Visual Multiple-Talker Tracking Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2001), IEEE, pp.1402-1409, Oct. 2001. Best Paper Finalist (2nd or 3rd Place)

  5. 中臺 一博, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: Real-Time Multiple Speaker Tracking by Multi-Modal Integration for Mobile Robots. Proceedings of European Conforence on Speech Processing (Eurospeech 2001), to appear, Sep. 2001.

  6. 奥乃 博, 中臺 一博, T. Lourens, 北野 宏明: Separating Three Simultaneous Speeches with Two Microphones by Integrating Auditory and Visual Processing. Proceedings of European Conforence on Speech Processing (Eurospeech 2001), to appear, Sep. 2001.

  7. 中臺 一博, 日台 健一, 溝口 博, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: Real-Time Auditory and Visual Multiple-Object Tracking for Robots. Proc. of 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-01) , Seattle, Aug. 2001.

  8. 中臺 一博, 日台健一, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: 視聴覚情報の階層的統合による実時間アクティブ人物追跡. 第13回 AI チャレンジ研究会, SIG-Challenge-0113-5, pp.35--42, 人工知能学会, Jun. 2001.

  9. 奥乃 博, 中臺 一博, Lourens, T., 北野 宏明: Sound and Visual Tracking for Humanoid Robot, Proc. of 17th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA/AIE-2001) , Budapest, Hungary, June 2001. LNAI.2070, 640-650, Springer-Verlag. Best Paper Award (1st Prize)

  10. Lourens, T., 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: Detection of Oriented Repetitive Alternating Patterns in Color Images --- A Computational Model of Monkey Grating Cells. Proc. of Sixth International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks (IWANN2001), pp.95-107, Granada, Spain, June 2001. LNCS 2084, Springer-Verlag.

o 2000年度o

  1. 北野 宏明監訳: 奥乃 博, 諸橋 峰雄, 京田 耕司, 中臺 一博 訳: 『PCクラスタ構築法 − Linux クラスタベオウルフ』, 産業図書, March, 2001.

  2. 中臺 一博, 日台健一, 溝口 博, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: 顔認識とアクティブオーディションを利用した実時間人物追跡. 第11回 AI チャレンジ研究会, SIG-Challenge-0111-5, pp.27--34, 人工知能学会, Mar. 2001. 研究奨励賞

  3. 奥乃 博, 中臺 一博, Lourens, T., 北野 宏明: Sound and Visual Tracking for Humanoid, Proc. of 2000 International Conference on Information Society in the 21st Century: Emerging Technologies and New Challenges (IS2000) , 254--261, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Nov. 2000. Best Paper Award

  4. 中臺 一博, 松井 龍哉, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: Active Audition System and Humanoid Exterior Design. Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2000), 1453--1461, Takamatsu, Nov. 2000.

  5. 北野 宏明, 奥乃 博, 中臺 一博, Theo Sabische, 松井 龍哉, Design and Architecture of SIG the Humanoid: An Experiemntal Platformfor Integratind Perception in RoboCup Humanoid Challenge. Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2000), 181--190, Takamatsu, Nov. 2000.

  6. Iris Fermin, 石黒 浩, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: A Framework for Integrating Sensory Information in a Humanoid Robot. Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2000), 1748--1753, Takamatsu, Nov. 2000.

  7. 奥乃 博: 「音環境理解 --- 混合音の認識を目指して」, 情報処理, 1096--1101, 情報処理学会, Oct. 2000.

  8. 奥乃 博, 中臺 一博, 北野 宏明: ヒューマノイド聴覚機能のためのアクティブオーディションの提案. 日本ロボット学会全国大会, 1C31, 草津, Sep. 2000.

  9. 中臺 一博, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: ロボットの外装の音響効果を利用したアクティブオーディションシステム. 日本ロボット学会全国大会, 1C32, 草津, Sep. 2000.

  10. 中川 友紀子, 中臺 一博, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: 動画像と音響を統合したインタラクティブロボットの動的環境での制御. 日本ロボット学会全国大会, 1C36, 草津, Sep. 2000.

  11. 中臺 一博, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明. Humanoid Active Audition System. Proc. of First IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2000), Cambridge, Sep. 2000.

  12. Lourens, T., 中臺 一博, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: Selective Attention by Integration of Vision and Audition. Proc. of First IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2000), Cambridge, Sep. 2000.

  13. 中臺 一博, Lourens, T., 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: Humanoid Active Audition System Improved by The Cover Acoustics. In Mizoguchi, R. and Slaney, J. (eds) PRICAI-2000 Topics in Artificial Intelligence (Sixth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence), 544--554, LNAI 1886, Springer-Verlag, Melborne, Aug. 2000.

  14. Frank, I., 田中 久美子, 奥乃 博, 中臺 一博, 中川 友紀子, 前田 K., 北野 宏明: And The Fans are Going Wild! SIG plus MIKE. Proc. of the Fourth Workshop on RoboCup (RoboCup-2000), 267--276, RoboCup, Melbourne, Aug. 2000.

  15. 中川 友紀子, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: Bridging gap between small sized league and simulator league. Proc. of the Fourth Workshop on RoboCup (RoboCup-2000), 1--10, RoboCup, Melbourne, Aug. 2000.

  16. 中臺 一博, Lourens, T., 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: Active Audition for Humanoid. Proc. of the Seventeenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2000), 832-839, Austin, Aug. 2000.

  17. 奥乃 博, 京田 耕司, 諸橋 峰雄, 北野 宏明: Initial Assessment of ERATO-1 Beowulf-Class Cluster. Ito, T. and Yuasa, T. (eds.) Parallel and Distributed Computing in Symbolic and Irregular Applications, World Scientific Publishing, 372-383, 2000.

  18. 京田 耕司, 奥乃 博, 山口 あづさ, 北野 宏明: Beowulfクラスクラスタ ERATO-1 格闘記, bit, Apr. 2000.

o 1999年度o

  1. 奥乃 博, 京田 耕司, 中臺 一博, 北野 宏明: Beowulfクラスクラスタ ERATO-1 のチューニングと評価, 第7回「ハイパフォーマンスコンピューテイングとアーキテクチャの評価」に 関する北海道ワークショップ (HOKKE2000)、 情報処理学会、Mar. 2000.

  2. 中臺 一博, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: "A Method Of Peak Extraction And Its Evaluation For Humanoid", 第7回 AI チャレンジ研究会, SIG-Challenge-99-7, pp.53--60. 人工知能学会, Nov. 1999.

  3. 奥乃 博, 中臺 一博, 北野 宏明: "Research Issues of Humanoid Audition" 第7回 AI チャレンジ研究会, SIG-Challenge-99-7, pp.61-66. 人工知能学会, Nov. 1999.

  4. 奥乃 博, 中川友紀子 北野 宏明: "Integrating Auditory and Visual Perception for Robotic Soccer Players". Proc. of International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC-99), Vol.VI, 744-749, IEEE, Tokyo, Oct. 1999.

  5. 奥乃 博, 池田思朗, 中谷智広: "Combining Independent Component Analysis and Sound Stream Segregation". Proc. of IJCAI-99 Workshop on Computational Auditory Scene Analysis (CASA'99), IJCAI, pp.92--98, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 1999. Paper in postscript

  6. 奥乃 博, 中川友紀子 北野 宏明: "Incorporating Visual Information into Sound Source Separation". Proc. of IJCAI-99 Workshop on Computational Auditory Scene Analysis (CASA'99), IJCAI, pp.99--107, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 1999. Paper in postscript

  7. 中川 友紀子, 奥乃 博, 北野 宏明: "Using Vision to Improve Sound Source Separation", Proc. of the 16th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-99), pp.768--775, AAAI, Orlando, Jul. 1999. Paper in postscript, in PDF

  8. 奥乃 博, 京田 耕司, 諸橋 峰雄, 北野 宏明: "Initial Assessment of ERATO-1 Beowulf-class Cluster" Proc. of International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing for Symbolic and Irregular Applications", Sendai, July, 1999.

Last Update: Sun Nov 24 15:40:38 2002